Wednesday 8 October 2008

One giant leap...........

Into the wibbly wobbly web! So, what's all this about? I hear you ask! Well, actually I didn't hear you of course, but it's what I would be asking. The answer of course if far too diverse to explain in a short sentence, and I don't much care for long protracted answers either, so let's just say as a fan of british humour, film and music this is my chance to pay tribute to all those people that have made me laugh, cry and sigh over the years, and of course my memories will be added alongside too! Oh and just in case you get bored with all that, then I am going to add some photos that I have taken too, not that I am an expert, or go out of my way especially to take them, but when I do I think they are pretty good! So sit back, relax and enjoy, and if you can't do that, go and make a nice hot cup of tea and watch the telly instead!

Right then, where does one start? (now I know how Adam felt when he first clapped eyes on Eve)Anyway, my lovely wife is always complaining that I am much older than I really am, I am 45 but she thinks I must be at least 70, so just for her I will start way, way back to a comedic genius of 1930's and 1940's. I'm starting here because my dad loved this man, and I can recall sitting as a youngster in front of the radiogram listening to his old 78's (There's one for the teenagers!) So here he is, the irrepressible Mr Max Miller!

Don't you feel that the so-called "comedians" of today could learn an awful lot from people like Max, a man ahead of his years! Don't worry, I will have some more up to date stuff later, but these clips are for our more mature surfers.

Moving swiftly on, or not as the case may be - if you have got so fed up with my blog, you're now enjoying that nice hot cup of tea and watching the channel 4 news (pah!) Don't ask me how, 'cos when I were a lad being dragged up in sunny South London, we didn't have dvd's, videos, or much else for that matter, but remember three names being brought up time and again by both my Mum and Dad, and these probably even pre-date Max Miller, however I now have pleasure in submitting to you the most excellent Wilson Kepple & Betty, ok, this time I'm off for a nice hot cup of tea!!

So where was Betty? Probably making a nice hot cup of tea! Keeping up with the theme of music & comedy, I now come to two of the funniest men to have ever have hit the silver screen, no matter how many times I watch this clip I end up in stitches, the one and only Laurel & Hardy (Should that be the two and only?) Oh well you decide! A

I can hear the kettles going off all over the place, so for now I will leave to go and browse someone else's blog (pah!) I'm off to research some more material, and hopefully in the next post, will have some, er more up to date material, I am thinking along the lines of my earliest memories of comedy, the like of Monty Python, Dick Emery and any more... I hope you have enjoyed this taster, I have certainly enjoyed do the research and watching many old clips, here's to the next post, oh, and in case I forget, I hope you enjoyed that cup of tea.........


Mandy said...

Hello and welcome!

I'm lookin forward to reading what you have to say.

If you need any help then please don't ask me ;-)

Of course, I am joking, ask away.


terry said...

woohoo my first comment!! Well, thank you very much - no doubt I will have lots of questions along the way, like, when you putting the kettle on!!

David said...

Welcome aboard my friend. I see you have a most handsome friend with you in your photo. Don't we just love them. It's good to have you around. I will be looking forward to your next post.

Mandy said...

Maybe, as had a thought, you could journal your running experiences here! Would be interesting for many to read about - especially as you run through some lovely places! x